Health & Medicine
GMLab provides Check-Ups and Analysis Profiles for different age groups and Diseases, namely:
Congenital and acquired anemias.
Hepatic (liver), Kidney, Cardiac-Vascular Diseases, Diabetes and Fats.
Menopause, Infertility, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Infectious Diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV, Dengue, Malaria.
Infectious and Parasitic Gastroenteritis.
Screening and Prevention of cancer, namely Colorectal (Intestine), Prostate, Cervical Cancer (Pap smear).
In Pregnant Women, Screening and Prevention of diseases that can affect mother and child such as Diabetes, Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, etc.
GMLab, working in all the areas mentioned above, stands out for its support in the Interpretation of Results, offering solutions for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Monitoring of Disease.
GMLab is at the forefront in making IT systems and Internet networks profitable, providing quick and effective responses, enabling the sending of results in real time by e-mail to Users and/or prescribing Doctors.
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